Cogito Ergo Sum

We are running out of time Stop Internet Stop using Pcs and Laptops Stop Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies Cogito Ergo Sum

There is no planet B we are running out of time

We run out of time do a calculation 1 Belgium pc user 8h/day emit 175 kg of CO2/year what about

all Belgium pc users, EUUkUSACanadaChinaIndiaJapanKoreaAustralia all the World and the

problem is more worser with blockchain & cryptocurrencies please visit and do the calculation

We are running out of time we must stop massive use of Pcs and Laptops around the World and blockchain and cryptocurrency

it exceeds Aviation Émission please read

the article above dates since 2009 no blockchain nor cryptocurrencies at that time now we are 2022

We must stop Internet, use of pcs and laptops for a while till we adopt renewable clean energy for telecommunications. please read

The real solution for Climate Change

The real solution is not Nuclear Power Energy remember Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster 2011 and Tchernobyl 1986.

The real solution is Solar Energy for Tunisia Algeria Morroco Mauritania Libya Egypt Saudia Arabia Yémen Iraq Syria Jordan UAE Qatar Bahreïn Kuwait Sultanate Omane IRan Pakistan Afghanistan China India Usa Brasil Mali Niger Sinegal Brief Wherever desert and Sun Shine. 

And interconnect Electricity Networks with each other Europe Amerika Afrika Asia Australia to provide clean renewable enrgy to all the people world wide.

My short term solution is 

We must reduce hours work in front Pcs and Laptops from 8 hours/day to at least 6 hours with Blockchain bitcoins and cryptocurrencies the problem is being more worser and worser Or better working 4 days/week.

Some tips to save energy

1. Switch off the loudspeakers if you are not using them.

2. Switch off the printer when it’s not needed.

3. Switch off the screen if you are not working on the PC just now.

4. Switch off your computer or put it in stand-by mode if you are not going to work on your PC for more than 30 minutes. A multiple socket makes it easy to switch off all your computing equipment.

5. Use a laptop in preference to a desktop.

6. Switch off the modem at night.

My advice solution:

In fact people leave their Pcs running for nothing in order to return back and use their workspace desktop Apps fearing forgetting steps where they are if they close all and leave shut downing theirPcs. 

Indeed hibernating pcs consume electricity energy and responsible of CO2gas emission too what is the solution?The solution:Is to execute a Dos command that works fine for Windows 2000/ XP/7/8/10/11 . Shutdown –h

All your desktop workspace will be saved and your pc shutdowns and you consume no more electricity wasted for nothing before, you can leave for a while one hour or two you save the planet by limiting CO2 Gas emission generated by electricity pc consumption and save your electricity bill


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